Friday 13 September 2013

Write a less formal letter/email

                                How to write a less formal letter/email
  • Open: 
                 Dear Sir or Madam,
                 Dear Ms Mai, Dear Mr Ba...
                 Hi Saral,

  • Give reason for writing
                 Just to let you know that.....
                 I am emailing you to....
  •  Apologize
                 I really sorry but....
                 I am afraid that.....
  • Offer/Request
                Would you like to....?
                Can I...?/Could you...?
                Would you mind if....?
  • Recommend and Suggest
                You should/ought to...
                Why don't you....?
                How about...?
  •   Give bad news/good news
               I am so happy because....
               The good/bad news is that.....
  • Say when and where give details
               There is/are....
               It is at/starts at....
              You can get there by...
  • Thank
              Thanks for....
              I am really grateful for....
  • Close
             Look forward to seeing you/See you soon.
             Bye for now.
            All the best/Best wishes.

             Hi Ngoc,
       I am really sorry about last week. I was really ill so I have to cancel my own party. Anyway, this is just to let you know that I'm now having my birthday party next Sunday. So the good news is that I can invite you again! Would you like to come?

       The party will be at my house and start at 7 pm. You can get to my house on the number 8 bus. Ask the driver to stop at Hoang Van Thu street and call me then.

       By the way thanks for the birthday present you sent. The shirt was a great fit! I'll wear it at the party. Look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

       Best wishes



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