Thursday 19 September 2013

Cách viết 'for and against' essay thi FCE

                                  Cách viết 'for and against' essay thi FCE
                          (How to write a 'for and against' essay - FCE Writing)

  • Today we are going to learn how to write a 'for and against' essay. But before we begin, let me ask you a question: what is a 'for and against' essay?.
  • Yeah, I bet you know what it is already, but if you don't, don't be panic, cause I am going to tell you right now.
  • A 'for and against' essay is a formal piece of writing in which a topic is considered from opposing viewpoints. Easy to understand, right?
  • In FCE writing test, we sometimes see something like: Some people believe that, some people believe this or some people think that, state the arguments for and against this view, etc. Those are signs of a 'for and against' essay's task.
      Before you write a 'for and against' essay, you may want to think of:
           + Make a list of points for and against topic.
           + Do not use informal language or style to express your opinion. 
           + There are two ways to structure a 'for and against' essay. You can either present an argument for and against in each paragraph or give all the arguments for in one paragraph and then all the arguments against in the next paragraph.
           + Either way, a good essay of this type should consist of:
  • Open
   In this first part, you should clearly state the topic to be discussed. Remember, do not give your own opinion here.
  • Body
  You should present the points for and against along with your examples, reasons, and justifications. 
  Now, as I said, you may have two ways to state your points here. You can either present an argument for and against in each paragraph or give all the arguments for in one paragraph and then all the arguments against in the next paragraph. But I would recommend the second one. It will make your essay simple, clear and easy to follow. 
  • Close
   In this part, you shall state your opinion or give a balance consideration of the topic.
   Remember to use linking words. They help to follow your way of reasoning. The most common linking words are and, or and but. But don't try to overuse them. Try to use different words with similar purposes or meanings to make your essay better.

Good luck!

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