Wednesday 18 September 2013

Cách viết Opinion Essay thi FCE

                                              Viết Opinion Essay thi FCE
                                 (How to write an Opinion Essay -  FCE Writing)

               Bài viết này hướng dẫn các bạn viết một bài Opinion Essay hoàn chỉnh. Let's take a look!

  • An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing which presents the author' s point of view on a particular subject supported by examples and reasons. 
  • In the writing for FCE exam, you may be asked to write an opinion essay. For example "Write an article and give your opinion on the following statement: "modern technology has given us more leisure time than before."
  • Here is what you need to keep in mind in order to write a good opinion essay:
       + Decide your opinion as for the topic discussed. 
       + Make a list of examples, viewpoints and reasons to support your opinion.
       + Write well-developed paragraphs
       + Use linking words and phrases to join the sentences and the paragraphs within the text.
       + Write in a formal style, introduce the topic clearly and state convincing arguments. 

        Normally, an opinion essay should be divided into 3 parts
  • Part 1: Open
      In this part you should introduce the topic and state opinion clearly. 
         You may want to use some of these expressions.
       + Some people claim/believe/say....
       + It is sometimes said that.....
       + The question is....
       + We often read/hear that.....
       + In my opinion..., I strongly believe that..., I am in favor of..., it seems to me that....
       + From my point of view, as far as I can see, as I see it....
  • Part 2: body
     In this part you use examples and reasons to support your viewpoint (at least 2 paragraphs).You can also include a paragraph presenting the opposing point of view and reason why you think it is an unconvincing idea.

        Some useful expressions
    - Making extra points
        + What's more...
        + In addition...
        + Furthermore, moreover....

    - Introducing a contradictory point
         + Although, even though....
         + Despite...
         + Despite the fact that....
         + However..

     - Contrasting views for and against
          + On the one hand/side....on the other...
          + While it's true that.....
          + You could also argue that........
          + Nevertheless..../ However...
          + One advantage..../ Another disadvantage is that.... 
  • Part 3: Conclusion
         In this part you should summarize the main points of the essay and restate your opinion in other words.
          You may think of using some of these
            + On balance...,
            + I feel../I believe that....
            + Summarizing...,
            + To sum up.../in conclusion../
            + All in all, I believe that....
            + Given this, it can be concluded that.....       
 Keep practicing guys!

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