Tuesday 28 August 2012

Sentence Correction (SC) on the GMAT_ PART 6 (Grammar commonly tested on the GMAT)

Grammar commonly tested on the GMAT

1. Pronoun reference
- Be absolutely clear about who is being referred to by a pronoun

Sarah and Jane went shopping, but she could not find anything she liked. ( WRONG!, because We do not know clearly who is being referred to. The pronoun "she" could refer either Sarah or Jane )

>> It can be fixed in three ways:

Sarah and Jane went shopping, but Sarah couldn't find anything she liked.
Sarah and Jane went shopping, but Jane couldn't find anything she liked.
Sarah and Jane went shopping, but they couldn't find anything they liked.

2. Pronoun number (singular or plural) 
- If the antecedent is singular, the pronoun that refers to it must be singular.
- If the antecedent is plural, the pronoun that refers to it must be plural

The person who cheated on the test should raise their hand. (WRONG!, "the person" is singular, "their" is plural)
>>> The person who cheated on the test should raise his or her hand. (CORRECT!)

Everyone here needs their own copy of the text book in order to take this class. (WRONG!)
Everyone here needs his or her own copy of the text book in order to take this class. (CORRECT)

3. Parallelism with pronouns

I prefer to hire employees who work hard to those that do not. ( WRONG!)
I prefer to hire employees who work hard to those who do not. (CORRECT)

Sarah likes variety of people, including those who are popular and who are not. (WRONG!)
Sarah likes variety of people, including those who are popular and those who are not. (CORRECT)

4. Pronoun Case 
In the sentence, the pronoun must be in the proper case.


               Let him and she go (WRONG!)
           >> Let him and her go.

               Sarah and me went to school together. (WRONG!)
          >> Sarah and I went to school together.


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